Doomed Queen Anne
By: Carolyn Meyer

Though born without great beauty, wealth, or title, Anne Boleyn blossomed into a captivating woman. She used her wiles to win the heart of England’s most powerful man, King Henry VIII, and persuade him to defy everyone–including his own wife—to make her his new queen. But Anne’s ambition was her fatal flaw. This is the true story of the girl everyone loved to hate.

Carolyn Meyer’s engrossing third novel in the award-winning Young Royals series tells Anne’s fascinating story in her own voice—from her life as an awkward girl to the dramatic moments before her death.

Summary from the back of the book.

Date Started: 2/6/24 – Date Finished: 2/6/24

0 out of 0 stars

(Disclaimer: It is book geared towards children, but I want to own every book regarding Anne Boleyn so…. have to include the kid ones too! Also because it is a children’s book it has a less harsher scoring range as well.)

Well, it was a surprise to read this. I swore that I read this book when I was much younger but it was so unfamiliar. This book is written in first person, and it seems to be written (throughout) that Anne maintains her teenager mindset. (I must be better than my sister, I WILL be better, than everyone has no choice but to like me) It still is a very black and white version of Anne, she is not completely unlikeable but hard to care (even though you know her end anyway.) Henry was pretty decent in this book though if you could ever call him that. Her rivalry regarding her sister though is repeated throughout the story and kind of gets annoying. Also have some opinions on her “deformity”, the short version is she didn’t have one.

** **** **

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